Then we use strategy and creative to compel them to act.
Understanding your customer through research–and our experience in technical and healthcare markets–is where every project starts. Our fundamental belief that your customer is a human being first, and a physician, a scientist, or an engineer second, drives our brand development and the strategic stories we tell. It fuels product launches. It's a part of every brochure, email, website, and presentation we create. It's at our core.
No matter how left-brain dominant your customer is, studies show his emotions rule over logic when it comes to purchasing your medical or technology product for his organization. And emotional impact tends to increase–not decrease–with product and purchase complexity. Physicians, engineers, lab managers—even Value Added Committee members—are human beings with emotion. That’s why we build brands and produce B2H communications that appeal to both emotional and business drivers.
With decades of experience launching medical devices, diagnostics, healthcare informatics, and other medical, dental, and technology products, we bring insight to your entire launch plan. From claims strategy to your launch event. That insight includes cross-industry ideas, market knowledge, and proven methods and tools that add power to your launch and help you sustain momentum post-launch. All of our ideas, strategies, and concepts are built on a singular philosophy: you must launch from a human platform to achieve you launch's potential.
Storytelling, a buzzword of the last few years, is a practice that has underlain our most successful campaigns and brand development from our beginnings in the 1980s. We unite the right idea with the right emotions in a compelling and strategic story. It is the most powerful way to engage your customer and motivate him to act. That’s not just our opinion; neuroscience proves it.